NICU point-of-care testing solution

Enhancing your ability to monitor the oxygenation-ventilation balance, with minimal blood draws.

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  • Minimize invasive procedures and blood draws
  • Continuous, real-time monitoring of CO2 and O2
  • Combine blood gas analysis with transcutaneous monitoring

Monitoring a neonate´s oxygenation-ventilation balance

Monitoring babies’ oxygen and carbon dioxide levels can be an intricate task.

To much or too little CO2 and O2 can lead to severe challenges for the baby.

Blood gas analysis provides the most precise measures of CO2 and O2, but blood sampling is invasive and can contribute to the risk of neonatal anemia.

Transcutaneous monitoring provides a continuous trend of CO2 and O2, and exhibits strong correlation well with arterial values.

Patient Blood Management

A preterm baby born weighing just 500 grams has an estimated total blood volume of less than 50 ml.

Blood sampling can deplete 30%-60% of the total neonatal blood volume in the first weeks of life.

Preterm babies endure an average of 50 painful procedures during their first four weeks of life. 

Blood gases are critical to titrating therapies and ventilation. If we don't do blood gas analyses, we provide 'blind'care, 'blind' therapies, that could negatively influence babies' brain development. We need to find a balance, which is why a wise doctor could use both non-invasive transcutaneous monitoring, alongside minimally invasive therapies such as blood gas analyses, using capillary samplers.

- Daniele De Luca, Full Professor of Neonatology and Division Chief, Antoine Béclère Hospital, Paris Saclay University, Paris, France

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Blood gases are critical to titrating therapies and ventilation. If we don't do blood gas analyses, we provide 'blind'care, 'blind' therapies, that could negatively influence babies' brain development. We need to find a balance, which is why a wise doctor could use both non-invasive transcutaneous monitoring, alongside minimally invasive therapies such as blood gas analyses, using capillary samplers.

- Daniele De Luca, Full Professor of Neonatology and Division Chief, Antoine Béclère Hospital, Paris Saclay University, Paris, France

Every drop of blood counts - complement blood gas testing with transcutaneous monitoring

Blood gas analysis reflects a patient's ventilation (CO2) and oxygenation (O2) status at a single point in time. 

Supplementing blood gas analysis with continuous monitoring of transcutaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide can conserve babies' blood and minimize invasive blood draws as well as facilitate proactive patient care - by providing a constant trend for both blood gases.

Transcutaneous monitoring

  • Exhibits strong correlation with arterial values

  • Can be used on babies with a very low birth weight (<1000g) 

  • Can be used on babies that are extremely premature (<28 weeks)

  • Continuously trends CO2 and O2

We use transcutaneous monitoring (TCM) almost every day to tailor ventilation, check how a baby is generally and to try and conserve as much blood as is possible. Of course, we also conduct blood gas analyses, but TCM provides an opportunity to reduce blood gas analyses overall.

- Daniele De Luca, Full Professor of Neonatology and Division Chief, Antoine Béclère Hospital, Paris Saclay University, Paris, France

Explore the Radiometer NICU solution


Sample Size and Time to Result

17 parameters:
45ul blood / 60 secs.
19 parameters (incl. creatinine/urea):
65ul blood / 35 secs. 


Bilirubin measure

Measure bilirubin to help identify and monitor the development of hyperbilirubinemia.


Automatic Quality Management (AQM)

Automatic Quality Management system facilitates reliable results. 


Clot detection

Advanced clot detection system so micro and macro clots are automatically detected and removed.


70ul capillary tube made of plastic

70ul of blood / 35 secs:

19 parameters:
Blood gases: pH, pCO2, pO2
Metabolites: cGlu, cLac, cCrea, cUrea
Electrolytes: cCa2+, cCl-, cK+, cNa+
Oximetry: FCOHb, ctBil, ctHb, FHbF, FHHb, FMetHb, sO2, FO2Hb


45ul capillary tube made of plastic

45ul of blood / 60 secs.

17 parameters:
Blood gases: pH, pCO2, pO2
Metabolites: cGlu, cLac
Electrolytes: cCa2+, cCl-, cK+, cNa+
Oximetry: FCOHb, ctBil, ctHb, FHbF, FHHb, FMetHb, sO2, FO2Hb

ABL90 FLEX PLUS blood gas analyzer

Achieve comprehensive insights from less than two drops of blood.

  • 45ul MicroMode designed for the realities of neonatal patients' status
  • safeCLINITUBES help to minimize the risk of preanalytical errors, such as clot formation.

ABL90 FLEX PLUS blood gas analyzer

Seamless connectivity

Seamless connectivity into a wide range of monitoring and data management systems and ventilators.


Automatic calibration

Calibrations automatically start when placing the sensor in the calibration chamber.


Real-time data

Real-time data provides full transparency on babies' status between blood draws. 


Dedicated NICU mode

A dedicated NICU mode which locks the monitoring time to the sensor temperature, protecting the babies' skin integrity. 


Large color touchscreen

A large color touchscreen for clear data display and built-in tutorials supporting a system that is easy to use. 


Designed for sensitive skin

Continuously measure tcpCO2 and tcpO2 utilizing a variety of patient fixation options designed for sensitive skin.

TCM5 FLEX transcutaneous monitor

Supplementing blood gas analysis, aiming to reduce sampling and risk of anaemia - and be proactive with patient care.

  • Established transcutaneous technology to measure both CO2 and O2
  • Gentle sensor with a variety of fixation options designed for sensitive skin.

Parameters measured with the Radiometer NICU solution

ABL90 FLEX PLUS: pH | pCO2 | pO2 | cGlu | cLac | cCrea | cUrea | cCa2+ | cCl| cK| cNa| FCOHb | ctBil | ctHb | FHbF | FHHb | FMetHb | sO| FO2Hb

: tcpCO2 | tcpO2 | Pulse rate

Parameters measured with the Radiometer NICU solution

ABL90 FLEX PLUS: pH | pCO2 | pO2 | cGlu | cLac | cCrea | cUrea | cCa2+ | cCl| cK| cNa| FCOHb | ctBil | ctHb | FHbF | FHHb | FMetHb | sO| FO2Hb

: tcpCO2 | tcpO2 | Pulse rate

Integrated POC IT and Services - Connect & Care

Connect your people, medical devices and data.

Connect & Care offers you sustainable support from certified specialists, as well as a range of services for the lifetime of your solution. 

We go beyond practical support, offering you peace of mind, and positive experiences for patients and their loved ones.

Learn more about Connect & Care

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